Instructional Design Showcase

Explore my diverse portfolio featuring videos, PDFs, and interactive experiences organized by learning types.

Portfolio Gallery

Explore diverse instructional design content organized by learning types.

close up photo black Android smartphone
close up photo black Android smartphone
MacBook Pro on brown wooden table beside white mug
MacBook Pro on brown wooden table beside white mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
silver MacBook Air on table near iMac
silver MacBook Air on table near iMac
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
silver laptop computer with assorted logo screengrab
silver laptop computer with assorted logo screengrab

Portfolio Showcase

Explore my diverse instructional design projects across various media.

two brown wooden bar stools
two brown wooden bar stools
Learning Types

Organized by learning types, showcasing videos, PDFs, and interactive experiences tailored for different audiences and companies.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
Company Projects

A collection of projects categorized by company, highlighting unique instructional design solutions and innovative approaches to learning.

gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Reach out to discuss your instructional design needs and portfolio.